Category: Messages

Message from RI President Rtn. Stephanie A. Urchick

Dear fellow Rotary leaders As we begin a new year of service, let us not forget the importance of every one of Rotary’s members. You have been handed the reins of club and district leadership at an historic moment. Rotary has a chance to capture the world’s attention and realize possibilities beyond our expectations. But we must build on the work that has come before us if we are to reach our goals, such as defeating polio and empowering girls and women. Rotary offers people of action a chance to connect and find belonging, and this fellowship gives us hope…

Message from District Governor Rtn. Rajendra Prasad Dhoju

Rotaract District 3292 Dear DRR and Rotaractors, First of all, I would like to congratulate the District Rotaract Representative (DRR), his team and every Rotaractors for RY 2023-24. As the District Governor for RY 2023/24, I am delighted to address you and extend my best wishes for your upcoming term. I am confident that under your capable leadership, our district will thrive and continue to create lasting change. I encourage you and every Rotaractors to embrace this opportunity to make a difference, to innovate, and to foster strong relationships among Rotaractors and Rotary clubs. Together, we can accomplish remarkable achievements,…

Message from District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Roshan Karki

Dear Rotaractors and Rotary Community, Namaskar! It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you as the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) for the Rotary Year 2023-24. I am humbled to have the opportunity to serve in this role for Rotaract District 3292. With your unwavering support, I stand here today, humbled by the opportunity to represent and serve RID 3292 Nepal – Bhutan. Under the theme of “Integrating Rotaract, Upholding Fellowship,” my primary focus for this year is to foster integrity, strong fellowship, and impactful community service within our district. By nurturing these values and promoting open communication,…

Message from District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Laxman Kharel

Dear Rotaract LeadersNamaskar and Rotaract Greetings;Stepping up to become a DRR, I believe that Leadership is Influence, not Instruction. As Leaders, we have an opportunity to grow in our Influence and Multiply as Leaders. Let our Positive Influence, Inspire people to grow as Leaders. With all your support, today I am really feel honoured and privileged to represent RID 3292 Nepal – Bhutan. Let me begin with my heartiest “CONGRATULATIONS!” to the Rotaract leaders of the Rota Year 2021-22 on your significant performance during your tenure which has wonderfully honoured district goals and areas of key focus, and made all…

Message from District Governor Jitendra B. Rajbhandary

Dear Rotaract Friends My best wishes and hearty congratulations to the DRR Rtr. Laxman Kharel and his team members for the upcoming Rotary Year 2022-2023. We have just now completed Rotary Year 2021-2022. Rotary International, our District 3292 and Rotary and Rotaract Clubs have done our best to the communities by providing humanitarian services, working in partnership with the Government of Nepal and Local Authorities to serve the communities at times of global crisis, which is indeed the true spirit of Rotary. Friends, more than fifty years ago, one popular song was recorded that included this beautiful line: You may…

Message from RI President Jennifer Jones

Dear fellow Rotaract leaders: As we embark on a new year of service, let us take the opportunity to reflect upon the gift of our membership in Rotary. As club and district leaders, you have such an important role to play. You can do so much to help create club experiences that are welcoming, inclusive and enjoyable for each and every member – and you can extend that same warmth and belonging to every participant who wishes to engage with our clubs. Over and over our surveys find that member comfort and care is the single greatest driver of member…

Message from RI President Shekhar Mehta

Dear Rotaractors:It is my pleasure to send greetings to you. I hope that this website connects you with partners in service—your fellow Rotaractors and Rotarians within District 3292.This year, we note all the ways that we Serve to Change Lives. Service is the rent we pay for our time on earth and we will expand Rotary service as we “grow more and do more.”Through your enthusiasm and leadership, Rotaractors make Rotary Service more effective and rewarding. This year we will put a special emphasis on empowering girls, so young women can have improved opportunities worldwide. We will also feature Rotary…

Message from District Governor Rtn. Santosh Rijal

Dear DRR Sumit BajracharyaRotaract District Council Please accept my congratulations on your new DRR responsibility. I have no doubt that with your versatility of experience and exemplary leadership the activities of the Rotaract District will continue to flourish. I am particularly pleased to extend my best wishes to you and your Team for the success in discharging all your respective duties. As Rotaracts continue to provide critical assistance globally through their own Clubs, Rotary, and beyond in serving Humanity there is no denying that more needs to be done especially with the ‘pandemic’ which has affected every part of our…

Message from District Rotaract Representative 2021-22

Dear Rotaractors, Let me start by congratulating each and every one of you for your continued dedication and varied engagements in the Rotaract community. This journey of leadership and self-growth has undoubtedly been a challenging, yet rewarding one, and I believe that there is even more in store for us.  With the COVID-19 pandemic surging around us and affecting our daily lives, we find ourselves in the unknown terrain. However, despite the challenges, we are aware of the efforts of the Rotaract community to not only adapt to the changing scenarios but also offer support to one another, our communities,…

Message from RI President 2021-22 Holger Knaack

Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends, This does not seem like a time for great optimism, but it has to be. Long before Rotary was founded, the world dealt with great crises that tested humankind’s ability to progress and endure. In the age of Rotary, the world has faced many more catastrophes; however, we have survived, and every step of the way, Rotary has helped the world heal. Every great challenge is an opportunity for renewal and growth. I revealed the theme of Rotary Opens ­Opportunities at the International Assembly in San Diego just as the Covid-19 crisis was beginning, but these are…