Month: March 2021

Rotary’s Learning Center now available on mobile devices

You can now take Rotary’s online courses on most mobile devices. See our how-to guide for detailed instructions or follow these steps to get started: On your mobile device, use a browser to go to and sign in to My Rotary. Tap the ≡ menu at the top left of your screen. Tap the plus sign next to Learning & Reference, and then choose Learning Center. Go to your app store and download Go.Learn. Don’t open it from here. Return to your browser. From the same Learning Center page in My Rotary, tap the link to the Learning Center. Go.Learn works…

Rotaract District Team Training Seminar 2021-22 held successfully at Chitwan

Building an effective district leadership team before taking office is the key to having a successful Rotary year. The Rotaract district team training seminar helps prepare incoming Zonal Representatives and district committee members and chairs to support Rotaract club and provides an opportunity to work on their district goals. This combination training seminar and workshop gives the team a head start on the upcoming year. Rotaract District Team 2021-22 had their Rotaract District Team Training Seminar on March 5-6, 2021. The two day training seminar was a combination of multiple workshop that focused on following areas: Using strategic planning and…