Author: Dinesh Gaire

Mission, Vision & Strategic Priorities of Rotaract District 3292

 ROTARACT CORE VALUES Recognizing the ever-evolving needs of the global Rotaract community, we wholeheartedly embrace new values that serve as the driving force behind our actions and aspirations. These values not only shape our identity but also define our approach to serving communities worldwide. We are deeply committed to integrating these values into every aspect of our engagement, both within Rotaract International and District 3292. They serve as the guiding principles that answer the fundamental question of how we, as Rotaractors, achieve our mission. Within our district, District 3292, we have identified seven formidable core values that must be wholeheartedly…

Message from Rotary International President Rtn. Stephanie A. Urchick

ToThe Club Presidents of Rotary year 2024-25,Rotary District 3292,Nepal & Bhutan I congratulate you on your installation to the office of club presidents of the RotaryClubs in District 3292. Rotary needs your leadership now more than ever if we are to make every club anddistrict an irresistible experience. By following Rotary’s Action Plan and making sure allmembers feel a sense of belonging in your club, you have a special opportunity to inspiremembers to new heights of service. Our ability to create lasting change begins with our family of Rotary. Together, it iswithin our power to bring healing in a divided…

Message from District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Bikram Chhetri

Dear Rotaractors and Rotary Family, Namaskar! As we step into the Rotary Year 2024-25, I am deeply honored and excited to serve as your District Rotaract Representative. Our chosen theme for this year, “Rise Together: Empowering Unity” includes the essence of what we aim to achieve. It is a call to action, a reminder that our greatest strength lies in our unity and collective efforts. Rotaract has always been a beacon of hope, change, and progress. Each one of you plays a vital role in this incredible movement, and together, we have the power to create lasting impact. This year,…

Message from District Governor Rtn. Rajendra Man Sherchan

Dear Rotaract District Committee Members, Happy New Rotary Year! First, let me extend my congratulations to Immediate Past District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Roshan Karki and his team for successfully completing their Rotary Year. I am pleased to learn about the notable achievements made during their tenure. Your dedication and hard work have set a high standard for future leaders. Similarly, I want to extend my best wishes to District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Bikram Chettri and his team for a successful year ahead. I am confident that your innovative ideas and leadership will drive positive change in the community. As I…