Message from Rotary International President Rtn. Stephanie A. Urchick

Message from Rotary International President Rtn. Stephanie A. Urchick

The Club Presidents of Rotary year 2024-25,
Rotary District 3292,
Nepal & Bhutan

I congratulate you on your installation to the office of club presidents of the Rotary
Clubs in District 3292.

Rotary needs your leadership now more than ever if we are to make every club and
district an irresistible experience. By following Rotary’s Action Plan and making sure all
members feel a sense of belonging in your club, you have a special opportunity to inspire
members to new heights of service.

Our ability to create lasting change begins with our family of Rotary. Together, it is
within our power to bring healing in a divided world.

Join me in making Rotary a source of strength for those who need it most, within and
beyond our membership. Let this be the year we harness The Magic of Rotary, and let
Rotary be known as an organization that takes care of its members as well as the people
we serve.

It is within your power to help make your club a beacon of goodwill and fellowship in
your community.

I look forward to working beside you as we change the world with The Magic of Rotary.

Warm regards,
Stephanie A. Urchick
Rotary International President, 2024-2025